Les Amis de Beauford Delaney is supporting the completion of


the first full-length documentary about Beauford.

Join us in making this video tribute to Beauford a reality!



Saturday, December 5, 2020

Beauford Delaney: Transcending Race and Time

The University of Tennessee (UT) Downtown Gallery is hosting an exhibition of a selection of paintings and drawings on loan from the Estate of Beauford Delaney.  The First Friday opening was held on December 4, 2020.

Beauford Delaney: Transcending Race and Time is an exhibition of twenty-one works that includes four oil on canvas paintings, abstract watercolors, pastel portraits, and three self-portraits. Some of the pieces in this show have never been exhibited publicly.

 Self-portrait, 1953
© Estate of Beauford Delaney
by permission of Derek L. Spratley, Esquire,
Court Appointed Administrator

The self-portrait selected to advertise the exhibition is dated 1953, the year that Beauford moved to Paris. It is similar to two self-portraits, a crayon on newsprint dated 1962 and a charcoal and pastel on newsprint dated 1963, from the Knoxville Museum of Art collection that was shown at the museum's Gathering Light exhibition in 2017.

Here are several views of the exhibition, provided by Beauford's estate.

Transcending Race and Time - Views of the exhibition
Images courtesy of the Estate of Beauford Delaney
© Estate of Beauford Delaney
by permission of Derek L. Spratley, Esquire,
Court Appointed Administrator

The estate's last public showing of Beauford's work was held during the "In a Speculative Light" symposium organized by Dr. Amy Elias, Director of the UT Humanities Center in February 2020.  That exhibition was held in the Student Union Art Gallery on UT's campus.

The Downtown Gallery is a contemporary art gallery exhibiting professional work through funding and support from The University of Tennessee.

  • Exhibition dates: December 5, 2020 to January 30, 2021
  • Hours: Wednesday - Friday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Price: Free
  • Contact Name:  Mike Berry
  • Contact Email: mberry@utk.edu
  • Location: UT Downtown Gallery
    106 S. Gay Street
    Knoxville, TN 37902
    (865) 673-0802

The UT Downtown Gallery will be closed December 24, 25, 26, 31, and January 1.


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