Les Amis de Beauford Delaney is supporting the completion of


the first full-length documentary about Beauford.

Join us in making this video tribute to Beauford a reality!



Saturday, October 17, 2015

Beauford at Reid Hall - An Update

In February 2015, I announced that Les Amis had entered into discussion with Reid Hall regarding the organization of an exhibition of Beauford's work. We envisioned this to be the second of a series of exhibitions celebrating the history of African-American artists in Paris (the first being the Romare Bearden exhibition that took place in February 2015).

Courtyard at Reid Hall
© Discover Paris!

Today, I'm thrilled to announce that we have made tremendous progress in organizing the show!

Our working title is Beauford Delaney et Paris: Une évolution prodigeuse (Beauford Delaney and Paris: A breathtaking evolution). It will be held from February 4-29, 2016.

This major exhibition will consist of over 40 paintings and works on paper from Beauford's Paris years. It will hang in La Grande Salle at Reid Hall. This ~1400 sq. ft. room will house Beauford Delaney oils, gouaches, inks, and aquarelles, most of which have never been shown before! All are being loaned by local collectors.

La Grande Salle - Reid Hall - during Bearden exhibition in February 2015
© Discover Paris!

Les Amis is pleased to welcome the Wells International Foundation (WIF), an American non-profit organization, as a partner for the organization and fundraising for the show.

Our collaboration with WIF began with the photographing of Beauford’s works for the catalog. We have engaged Stéphane Lariven of Franconville, France to undertake this critical task. Two out of three planned photo sessions are now complete.

Preparing La Fleuve
© Discover Paris!

Photographing La Fleuve
© Discover Paris!

Part of WIF’s mission is to provide an opportunity for university students to attend the show to explore the influence of African Diaspora culture in France and throughout the world and to promote the benefits of study abroad in Paris for students across the globe. For this reason, we are incorporating a study abroad component into the exhibition.

We have entered into discussion with the University of Arizona regarding the development of an Augmented Reality project that will involve several of the paintings in the exhibition.

If you'd like to support our exhibition with a financial contribution, send e-mail to


Your donation (through WIF) is tax deductible!


Les Amis de Beauford Delaney and Reid Hall are partnering to bring an exhibition of original Beauford Delaney works to Reid Hall in Paris in February 2016! To sign-up to receive information about this show, click HERE.

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