Today, I'm pleased to announce that I'm traveling to Beauford's hometown of Knoxville, TN next week.
As a result of my interactions with key representatives of the University of Tennessee Libraries last summer, I was invited to the GeoSym conference at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK).
The title of my presentation is "Beauford's Odyssey: Art, Travel, and Expatriation."
While in town, I will visit the Knoxville Museum of Art to see their entire collection of Beauford's work (minus the pieces that are currently on loan).
I will also spend several days researching the Beauford Delaney Papers in support of the Beauford Delaney exhibition that UT Libraries will host at its facility in Autumn 2025.
This research will also support a project that the Wells International Foundation and UTK are working on together. It will focus on Beauford's acts of creating art as a way of coping with his mental health issues.
Look for the Les Amis blog to return in early March 2025.