In a blog post that I published almost eight years ago, I spoke about a film project that centered on the celebration of the laying of Beauford's tombstone at the Parisian cemetery of Thiais.
At the time, Zachary Miller of 2 Bulls on the Hill Productions wanted to create a short film (less than 30 minutes) about the many facets of Beauford's life in Paris and to share images of a few of his works owned by private collectors.
Because of the richness and volume of footage obtained, Miller also thought that a full-length documentary could be produced.
Zachary Miller
Proprietor, 2 Bulls on the Hill Productions
© Entrée to Black Paris
Miller has acquired additional material for the project and now informs me that he believes a full-length documentary is not only possible, but preferable. The project is ~90% complete and Miller would like to finish it in time to show it at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, which will take place from May 14-25. His comments on this possibility are as follows:
"The appetite and the market for films on historic Black individuals and the Black experience in general is very strong right now...
"We have the great original footage of the graveyard and the Embassy ceremony scenes, the interviews in Paris, etc. The only thing that is lacking is a strong voice-over narrative that I can write and perform if needed and some archival footage of the cities that he [Beauford] lived in, the Harlem Renaissance, and music from around the time that Beauford was in the USA and in Paris."
As you might expect, funds are required to complete the documentary and reserve a screening room for its presentation at Cannes. The budget is as follows:
Cannes Market Accreditation: 500 Euros
Cannes Screening Room: 500 Euros
Publicity, Post Card Printing: 250 Euros
Producer Rep / Marketing / Prints & Advertising: 2,500 Euros
Film footage, music, and archival stock and news footage: 2,000 Euros
Total: 5,750 Euros (needed ASAP)
Monies must be submitted to Cannes for marketing accreditation and booking the screening room no later than April 30.
Please give to support this endeavor! All you need to do is click on the Donate button below.
If you would like to become a private investor in the project, contact me as soon as possible at
At the time, Zachary Miller of 2 Bulls on the Hill Productions wanted to create a short film (less than 30 minutes) about the many facets of Beauford's life in Paris and to share images of a few of his works owned by private collectors.
Because of the richness and volume of footage obtained, Miller also thought that a full-length documentary could be produced.
Proprietor, 2 Bulls on the Hill Productions
© Entrée to Black Paris
Miller has acquired additional material for the project and now informs me that he believes a full-length documentary is not only possible, but preferable. The project is ~90% complete and Miller would like to finish it in time to show it at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, which will take place from May 14-25. His comments on this possibility are as follows:
"The appetite and the market for films on historic Black individuals and the Black experience in general is very strong right now...
"We have the great original footage of the graveyard and the Embassy ceremony scenes, the interviews in Paris, etc. The only thing that is lacking is a strong voice-over narrative that I can write and perform if needed and some archival footage of the cities that he [Beauford] lived in, the Harlem Renaissance, and music from around the time that Beauford was in the USA and in Paris."
As you might expect, funds are required to complete the documentary and reserve a screening room for its presentation at Cannes. The budget is as follows:
Cannes Market Accreditation: 500 Euros
Cannes Screening Room: 500 Euros
Publicity, Post Card Printing: 250 Euros
Producer Rep / Marketing / Prints & Advertising: 2,500 Euros
Film footage, music, and archival stock and news footage: 2,000 Euros
Total: 5,750 Euros (needed ASAP)
Monies must be submitted to Cannes for marketing accreditation and booking the screening room no later than April 30.
Please give to support this endeavor! All you need to do is click on the Donate button below.
If you would like to become a private investor in the project, contact me as soon as possible at