
Saturday, June 29, 2024

UTLibraries Comes to Paris

The University of Tennessee Libraries is visiting Paris this summer to conduct research that will support a Beauford Delaney exhibition at its facility in Autumn 2025. The exhibition will feature the Beauford Delaney Papers*, which the libraries obtained in 2022 and made available to researchers in January 2024.

UTLibraries received a $250,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to complete processing and promote the archive. The grant will not only fund the exhibition and celebration, but also support a two-year graduate research fellowship and community exhibitions planned in collaboration with the Knoxville Museum of Art (KMA), the Beck Cultural Exchange Center, and UT’s Ewing Gallery of Art.

Senior Associate Dean Holly Mercer contacted me in April 2024 to request my assistance through consulting and providing walking tours relevant to Beauford's life in Paris. Thanks to the Wells International Foundation's Entrée to Black Paris Cultural Awareness program, I was able to support this project by providing two private guided tours, a visit to Thiais Cemetery (Beauford's final resting place), and several hours of consulting over a period of three weeks.

In addition to Senior Associate Dean Mercer, I had the pleasure of interacting with Jennifer Beals, Director of the Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives; Kris Bronstad, Modern Political Archivist & Assistant Professor; and Katrina Stack, Graduate Research Assistant for the Beauford Delaney Papers.

During the first week, Director Beals and Ph.D. candidate Stack experienced the "Beauford Delaney's Montparnasse" walk, which takes place in Paris' 6th and 14th arrondissements.

Jennifer Beals and Katrina Stack
© Wells International Foundation

During Week 2, the consultation session with Archivist Bronstad and Stack began at Le Select, one of Beauford's favorite Montparnasse cafés, and ended over lunch at the nearby Chez Lionel. In walking from one location to the other, we made a quick detour to stand in front of the hotel on rue Delambre where Beauford's first studio was located.

Hôtel Lenox (formerly Hôtel des Ecoles)
© Discover Paris!

Two days later, we visited Thiais Cemetery. Bronstad and Stack purchased a lovely bunch of yellow roses to place on the tombstone.

Katrina Stack laying roses on tombstone
© Wells International Foundation
Kris Bronstad and Katrina Stack at gravesite
© Wells International Foundation

While at the grave, we discovered the remnants of a sketch and message left under the ceramic flower arrangement by UT Downtown Gallery Manager Mike Berry in October 2023. Though he had slipped the sketch into a Ziploc bag, the plastic failed to protect it.

Fortunately, we could still make out the words "With love, Knoxville, TN."
With love, Knoxville, TN
© Wells International Foundation

During Week 3, Associate Dean Mercer and Stack experienced the newly developed "Beauford on the Left Bank" walk, which emerged from the customization of the Entrée to Black Paris walk entitled "James Baldwin in Paris." Both tours take place on and around boulevard Saint-Germain in the 6th arrondissement.

Stack, a cultural geographer whose primary research areas are geographies of memory and Black geographies, remarked on the proximity of the locations visited on each of the walking tours. She also noted that the Left Bank walk ended down the street from where the Montparnasse walk began.

Holly Mercer and Katrina Stack
© Wells International Foundation

I am looking forward to visiting Knoxville next year to see the main exhibition at UT Libraries and the community exhibitions at KMA, Beck, and UT’s Ewing Gallery of Art!

*The Beauford Delaney Papers consists of family, personal, and professional correspondence, photographs, sketchbooks and notebooks, artwork, exhibition material, and biographical records created or collected by Beauford.

It also includes correspondence with influential artists and gallerists such as Palmer Hayden, Lawrence Calcagno, James LeGros, Dorothy Block, Darthea Speyer, and Joseph Delaney; the writers James Baldwin, Henry Miller, and James Jones; and other cultural figures.

For more information about the archive project, click HERE.

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