
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Beauford at Reid Hall

I am very pleased to announce that Les Amis de Beauford Delaney is engaged in discussions with Columbia Global Centers about mounting an exposition of Beauford's work at Reid Hall!

Courtyard at Reid Hall
© Discover Paris!

This show will be the second in what Columbia Global Centers hopes is a continuing series of annual events that expose African-American artists to the French public.

Currently, Reid Hall is hosting an extraordinary exhibit of six original silk screens and several reproductions of work by Beauford's contemporary, Romare Bearden. The show is entitled Paris Odyssey: Romare Bearden, Henri Matisse, and Homer. It has two themes that make it both local and global in scope: Homer's epic poems - The Odyssey and The Iliad - and jazz. Reproductions of Henri Matisse's book Jazz (1947) and several of his Odyssean drawings (1935) are displayed with reproductions of Bearden's Paris Jazz series (ca. 1980), his Iliad drawings (1946), and his Odyssey collages (1977).

Banner for Paris Odyssey - Reid Hall
© Discover Paris!

Reid Hall is located near several sites in Montparnasse where Beauford lived and worked, including his first long-term residence at the Hôtel des Ecoles on rue Delambre and his favorite cafés - the Dôme and the Select.

The exposition will feature locally-sourced works from Beauford's Paris years. Look for updates about the planning of the show on this blog.

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