
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Beauford: His Art and His Light

Today, as I reflect on the tremendous reception that Beauford's work has received at the recent Beauford Delaney: Internal Light exposition in New York, I think of the inextricable way that his life and art were intertwined. Indeed, I believe that most people who knew him could not separate him from his art and the light that he not only saw in his surroundings, but also emanated himself and brought to his art. Here are a few brief quotes that bear witness to this.

Invitation card to 1973 exposition at Galerie Darthea Speyer
Image courtesy of Galerie Darthea Speyer

Beauford, you are the complete artist, not just in the medium of paint but in the medium of life.
- James Jones

I learned about light from Beauford Delaney, the light contained in every thing, in every surface, in every face.
- James Baldwin

Beauford was an artist from before birth; he was an artist in the womb, and even before that.
- Henry Miller

First and last Beauford is an artist - one of the most sensitive and talented of all artists of all times.
- Joseph Delaney

...this is indeed, the hallmark of Beauford's art, a joyful pursuit of the exact.
- Richard A. Long

For many years, the sparkle of his gaze shone around him and attracted a crowd of friends, fascinated by this strong, if silent, presence. It was not his discourse that captivated, but a light that emanated from him and permeated everyone. (Translated from French)
Darthea Speyer

To see a short video of the Beauford Delaney: Internal Light exposition opening, click here.

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