
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Beauford at the Art Miami Basel Festival

Laurence Choko, proprietor of the Galerie Intemporel in Paris, displayed the Beauford Delaney painting entitled Portrait de Vasilli Pikoula during her Ten is One exposition at the Art Miami Basel Festival in December 2010.

Works by Arturo Montoto and Beauford Delaney
Exposition Ten is One , Art Basel Miami Festival 2010
Photo courtesy of Galerie Intemporel

Choko has the following to say about Beauford’s work, and about this portrait (shown at the right in the photo above) in particular:

I love the expressionist aspect of Beauford Delaney’s figurative works. The subjects of his portraits often express great emotion, and their vulnerability brings them alive for me.

What I admire in the Portrait de Vasilli Pikoula, which I included in the Ten is One exposition from the Art Basel Miami Festival last December, is the generosity with which he represented his painter friend (Pikoula was a Greek painter). In this portrait, Delaney gives her an aristocratic air – it reminds me of the dignified, old women of the Antilles who carried themselves well regardless of their social position.

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