
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dorothy's Gallery Supports Beauford

Dorothy’s Gallery has graciously offered to sell the Henry Miller lithograph entitled Sarasota on behalf of Les Amis de Beauford Delaney.

Dorothy Polley, owner of Dorothy’s Gallery, is a long-time American expatriate from Norwalk, Connecticut. She launched the gallery at 27, rue Keller in the 11th arrondissement, Paris in 2006. Having already demonstrated her support for Les Amis by contributing to the gravesite fund in the gallery’s name, she was pleased to take this additional step to help the association preserve Beauford’s memory.

Dorothy’s Gallery
© Discover Paris!

Henry Miller and Beauford Delaney were great friends. They first met in New York, when Beauford lived on Greene Street. He and Miller corresponded regularly, both before and after Beauford moved to Paris. Beauford often wrote of how his work was progressing and his emotional state of being, while Miller wrote to encourage Beauford and admonish him (at least once) for giving away works that Miller thought would one day be in great demand. Miller sent Beauford money when times were hard, and visited him whenever he came to Paris. When Beauford was admitted to the Nogent sur Marne clinic for psychiatric therapy in 1962, Miller was denied entry to see his friend, but did speak with Beauford’s physician, Dr. Ferdière. He continued to communicate with Ferdière regarding Beauford’s condition for the next few years. When Beauford died, a message from Miller about his friend was read at the service.

In honor of the Delaney-Miller friendship, Miller’s son, Henry Tony Miller, donated the print to the cause. Sarasota is number 11/100 of the US edition of the painting. It is printed on Arches paper and measures 25.5 x 20 inches.

Dorothy Polley and Sarasota
© Discover Paris!

Henry Miller
Photo courtesy of Henry Tony Miller

Dorothy’s Gallery will hold a vernissage (open house) on Friday, September 17th from to Sarasota will be available for viewing and for sale at this event.  If you are in Paris, please take the time to stop by!

Proceeds from the sale will be used to defray costs for the commemorative ceremony and reception that Les Amis is organizing to inaugurate Beauford’s tombstone. We now have a tentative date for this event: October 14, 2010. Stay tuned for details, which will be forthcoming shortly!

Dorothy’s Gallery
27, rue Keller
75011 Paris
Telephone: 33 (0)1 43 57 08 51

Hours: Sunday and Tuesday – 4 PM to 7 PM
           Wednesday through Saturday – 1 PM to 7 PM
           Closed Mondays.
           Appointments possible.

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